
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

3rd Quarter Top 5

I've been missing in action for a while and it probably wasn't the best time to start a new blog!  Some of my reasons for starting a new blog were wanting to be able to share a little more information with  family and friends on our "family" blog.  We live far away from grandparents and basically the "family" blog is transitioning to more of a picture center!

I don't plan on posting tons of family pictures here but I have enjoyed working on my photography for the past year and heck, even if the photography isn't great I love taking shots of my little one.  Little Guy is our first baby and that is how I'll affectionately refer to him on this blog.

I hope you'll follow along and enjoy learning a little bit more about my faith, food and family!

Some of my friends host this fun link-up.  If you have kids or pets link up!
Amber's Articles
Here are my five favorites from the past 3 months.

Everytime I look up this kid is climbing on something!  Thankfully he hasn't learned how to climb out of the crib and hopefully he won't for a while!

My favorite shot from our "smash the cake" session for his first birthday.  Love that little foot up in the air!

We took an awesome vacation this summer and visited some National Parks.  I love this shot of Little Guy and his Daddy so much!!

This man loves his Cheerios.  It makes him super happy in the morning!

Another shot from his cake session.  I couldn't resist the look on his face.


  1. I love these. So adorable. Love the cake shots and the one with daddy. Too cute.

  2. Laura,

    His dimples melt my heart. He is just so smiley and happy.

    I hope you are doing well and have had a restful few days. I know you are looking forward to going home to spend time with family, but I hope in the meantime you explore and find things in the NE that you love.

  3. What a doll!! That smash the cake one is wonderful! He is too stinkin' cute! The one of him and his daddy :O) I can't get over how big he is getting!! Thanks for linking up!

  4. He's adorable! I was never brave enough to do a smash cake. I couldn't handle the mess!

  5. I love the pictures from his birthday! This is a lovely new blog you've started, and it's quite smart to separate into two blogs to give some privacy. I hope you all are settling into Washington!
